If you ever hear the word “software” in combination with “link building” in the same sentence, paragraph, or even page, run!
There is no good automated link building software.
99.9% of the time when you hear about link building software, it is because people are referencing a software that goes out onto the web and find links for you. This is a very, very, very bad idea. If you don’t know why, go see: Links: Good, bad, and ugly.
People who are gaming the system will absolutely achieve results quickly, however they will be very short lived. Sure, I can rank you in 7 days, but your site is going to get penalized and will be toast. Automated tools like Scrapebox are used by people who implement these tactics.
Quality SEO tools
Some SEOs will analyze other people’s websites for broken link opportunities. “Screaming Frog SEO Spider” is a great tool for this. SemRush is great for doing keyword research on competitors and Ahrefs is wonderful for checking the backlinks of competitors .
Other than tools like these, there is not a good link building software for personal injury attorneys.
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