We write specifically for personal injury lawyers and create which converts. Legal content writing which converts begins with a proven call to action and is hyper-local.
Why personal injury content fails
Using this type of content below is detrimental to your web presence.
- Lack of content: If you have no website, people can’t find you online. If you just have 1-10 pages, you’re severely limited. Most personal injury aw firms getting cases from the Internet have at least 20 main pages and then unique articles going onto their blog continuously. One firm we work with has around 4,500 pages of content.
- Regurgitated content: Most legal content writers put out when we call “regurgitated content”. We actually saw a lawyer in New York recently, who specializes in birth injuries, with content going on to his blog about a Pistachio recall in Texas. That’s nuts!
- Complicated content: People are not lawyers. They want to know if they can get compensated when a drunk driver injures them.
- Spun content: Almost every large “content mill” out there produces the same junky article, just reworded. In the content world, we call this “spun content”. Google absolutely hates this and punishes the content accordingly. If all of your articles start with “According to the X statistic, X number of people are injured by X, blah blah blah”. This is trash, and anyone reading it is going to leave the page.
Personal Injury Content that works
We have written thousands of articles, analyzed the traffic they get, how long people spend on the page, if they act or not, and are the experts with legal content.
- Content about people: People online want to know what’s in it for them, no matter how sensitive the subject. They are wondering if this attorney has their best interests in mind. When people land on your page they want to know how you are going to help them and they want to call you to find out more.
- Hyper-local content: If you’re an attorney in Charlotte, NC, your bus accident page had better be about Charlotte Area Transit System. If you’re in Los Angeles, your car accident articles need content about Lyft, the bad intersection at La Cienga & West Pico Blvd and the congested San Bernardino Freeway. If you’re in Chicago where 3,000 people are hit by cars each year, your pedestrian accident page had better cover the crazy intersection at Wicker Park.
- Content that ranks in search: Content serves no purpose at all unless people can find it in Google search when they are looking for it. The content we produce depends on the authority of your website. If you’re just getting started online, we’re going to cover topics such as chainsaw injuries and areas which the other attorneys have overlooked. Trust us, there are a lot of opportunities out there. If your site is already powerful, or when it gets there, then we can really do some damage dominating the front page of search.
How much content do I need?
This depends on what the competition is doing and how aggressive you want to be.
If you’re in Kansas City, St. Louis, Miami, Charlotte, Louisville, Raleigh or any other city with 200k – 1 million people your needs will be much different than what an attorney needs in Los Angeles, Houston or Dallas TX. At the end of the day, people are asking Google questions and if your website provides answers you’re going to reach them.
Does content really work?
Absolutely. However, we’re not going to tell you that your phone will ring tomorrow. Our best clients are good at what they do and already established. If you need cases next week, obtaining referrals is going to be more beneficial for you in the near term. That said, especially on powerful sites owned by reputable attorneys, content is amazing.
FAQs about Personal Injury Content
Can I see some sample content?
Yes. We would prefer to mimic your message and write something unique and relevant for your area. Please request a sample and we will send you a brief article, custom tailored for your website free of charge.
Do you write Spanish Content?
We work with a translator who is a licensed attorney and whose native language is Spanish. They charge 15 cents a word for translation. We build multilingual websites as well. This is often a huge opportunity. If you speak Russian, French or any other language just let us know.
Do I proofread the content?
We do not ant to bother you and our time is precious as well. Typically we will speak to you on the phone once a month and find out what is new, which cities you would like to target and which areas of practice you would like to focus on. We will run the first several articles by you for approval and then after that we prefer to slap content online as needed. Occasionally we will have large areas of practice style pages which we will run by you or other content ideas which we will email you about.
How long are articles?
Our founder, Len, says “I don’t count words; I cover topics”. The average article is 5 or 6 beefy paragraphs.
Is an attorney writing the content?
Yes, one is available. However, our writers write personal injury law daily and are familiar with each state’s ethics. We are a team of individuals who are great at “writing for the web” and pay special attention to the fact that your reputation is at stake. Most of us have no formal legal experience, other than spending thousands of hours researching topics and coming up with amazing content ideas. To date, we have put out thousands of articles with no major complaints. If you insist on having an attorney write the content, we do have one on our team who will write your content. Do expect it to be filled with legal terminology though (he’s a lawyer).
Do I own this content?
You have full rights to all content we send you or put on your website.
Do you put the content on my website?
We prefer to insert the content and make sure the correct title tags are used, URLs are clean and a solid meta description is inserted. We prefer WordPress. If you use Justia, FindLaw or another content management system for your personal injury website we are used to those as well.
Is there a content ROI?
An article we wrote in 2015 resulted in a huge win for one of our attorneys who told us we could do nothing until 2029 if we wanted. Of course, we didn’t stop. Content is a numbers game.
Does content help SEO?
Yes. Adding unique, relevant content is precisely what Google tells website owners to do. Content alone will not push you to the top of page 1 but it can improve the ranking of other important pages, obtain natural links and also improves the topical relevance of your website.
Do all SEO companies write content for personal injury lawyers?
Ugh. We are aware of 3 good personal injury content writers in the USA and we’re friends with them. There are 1,000 others who will tell you everything that we tell you and then screw it up. Let’s just say that 99.7% of them do not achieve the results which we do.